Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chapter 11 Journal

Of all the characters, which would you most likely choose as a friend? Give at least three reasons for your choice. Harry potter because he is a great friend and also he stands up for his friends like Ron when malfoy was making fun of Ron, harry would tell malfoy to back off, also harry would be a great friend,harry is very loyally to his friend.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chapter 9 Journal Question:

  1. Who does Harry dislike more: Dudley Dursley or Draco Malfoy? Why? Explain your answer with at least 3 reasons. I think harry is more mad at draco malfoy because harry forgot all about dudley and harry would never talk back to dudley but harry would talk to draco yelling at him and draco insalts his friends  so that would get anyone mad but when harry was with dudley, dudely could only hert him but he got use to it.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

chapter 9 journal

What does Harry dream about on his first night at Hogwarts? Examine the description of the dream on page 97 and summarize the most important parts of this dream. What do you think the dream means?                                        harry was having a dream about him being professor quirrell and there was a voice coming from his turban and he try ed to take it off but it just got tighter and Draco was laughing at him then Draco turned into professor snape,r:7,s:18&tx=81&ty=82

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chapter 6 Journal

The Weasleys are introduced in Chapter 6. Identify each member of the family and something you know about the personality of each.

Family Member’s Name
Something You know about His/Her Personality
 tall red hair freckles and pointy nose
 twins funny, smart and popular
 yougest one, only girl, to Young for school
 Mrs Wesley
 mother of seven, poor
 head boy
 captain of quidditch

In your opinion, which Wesley will be the most important to Harry?

i think Ron Wesley would be the most important person to harry because i see that they were spending good time together and Draco was making fun of Ron for being a Wesley and for being poor, Draco wanted to become friends with harry but harry pretty much said no to him

Friday, October 28, 2011

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Chapter 3: Journal Question

Uncle Vernon seems to be going crazy throughout chapter 3. Explain the reason for his madness and identify at least 3 examples from chapter 3 that demonstrate his strange behaviour.                                                                          Uncle Vernon is going crazy because Harry kept on getting letters and uncle Vernon does not want Harry to see the letters, so uncle Vernon nails up the mail slot so the letters would stop coming but they still do make it through ever opening in the house so uncle Vernon loses it and he takes Harry and his family all over the place  but some how the letters still seem to find him, so finally uncle Vernon go to a litter shack in the middle of a lake, the shack is cold, wet and dark, uncle Vernon is happy that no more letters can get to him, and then all the sudden a giant man comes in with a letter.
 In the first 5 chapters of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone we are introduced to the character of voldemort. voldemort is a bad man. He killed Harrys parents ,he is a very powerful wisard, who was good but then turned bad, he ha some people on his side who work with him, but some of them leave in fear. when voldemort killed harrys parrents he could not kill Harry. and lastly nobody no if voldemort is still alive some say he died, but some say he is hidding away, in the frist few chapters we have learned little about voldemort.